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- November 27, 2012: Weekend Website 40: NORAD Santa
- November 27, 2012: Book Review: Talking Back to Facebook
- November 26, 2012: If You Don't Have an Agent, Are You Really a Writer?
- November 26, 2012: If You Don't Have an Agent, Are You Really a Writer?
- November 19, 2012: Happy Thanksgiving Week
- November 16, 2012: 18 Thanksgiving Sites For Your Students
- November 15, 2012: And Navy Air is Born
- November 14, 2012: Subscribers: Your Special is Available
- November 13, 2012: Check Out My Post at TeachHUB
- November 12, 2012: 5 Simple Ways to Bring Your Story to Life
- November 11, 2012: Today We Honor Veterans
- November 9, 2012: Man in the Arena
- November 8, 2012: Successful USNA Graduates
- November 7, 2012: 15 Ways to Get Your Geek On
- November 6, 2012: Be Featured on Ask a Tech Teacher
- November 5, 2012: NaNoWriMo -- Oh No
- October 31, 2012: Wednesday Heroes: Tyrone Wood and Glen Doherty
- October 30, 2012: Yes, I'm Resilient, but I Wish Computers Were More Dependable
- October 29, 2012: 13 Ways to Exorcise Wordiness
- October 29, 2012: When Do You Follow Writing Rules?
- October 26, 2012: What to do Once You're Accepted into USNA
- October 25, 2012: Goal Setting for a Fourteen-year old
- October 24, 2012: What's Trending on Ask a Tech Teacher
- October 23, 2012: Who Forgot to Mention This?
- October 22, 2012: What I learned from finishing my novel
- October 19, 2012: USNA Grads--Among Highest Paid
- October 18, 2012: Book Review: 16 Holiday Projects
- October 17, 2012: How to Teach Digital Citizenship in 2nd Grade
- October 16, 2012: Dear Otto: I need more guidance than the curriculum offers. What do I do?
- October 15, 2012: When Do You Follow Writing Rules?
- October 14, 2012: How to Think (Critical Skill #5 for Future USNA Applicants)
- October 13, 2012: How to Get Along (Critical Skill #4 for Future USNA Applicants)
- October 12, 2012: Military Academies--Gangnam Style
- October 11, 2012: October To Do List for USNA Applicants
- October 10, 2012: A Virtual Tour of America--Via Biplane
- October 9, 2012: Dear Otto: Is Keyboarding Not for Cool Students?
- October 8, 2012: 17 Tips on How to Market Your Books Online
- October 7, 2012: USNA Grads--Among Highest Paid
- October 6, 2012: How to Prioritize (Critical Skill #3 for Future USNA Applicants)
- October 5, 2012: Weekend Website #112: Nanoogo
- October 4, 2012: How to Teach Digital Citizenship in Kindergarten
- October 3, 2012: Is Keyboarding Dead?
- October 2, 2012: Dear Otto: How Do I Prepare for an Unknown Tech Future?
- October 1, 2012: Oh Say Can You See
- September 28, 2012: Five Must-Do Skills to Accomplish During High School
- September 27, 2012: What is Your Midshipman Doing Now?
- September 26, 2012: Do You Make These 9 Mistakes
- September 25, 2012: What's a Digital Portfolio and Why Should You Use it?
- September 24, 2012: If You're a Writer, Self-Pub May Save Your Life
- September 21, 2012: How to Problem Solve (Critical Skill #1 for Future USNA Applicants)
- September 20, 2012: Will Texting Destroy Writing Skills?
- September 19, 2012: How to Use iPads in Your Classroom
- September 18, 2012: 5 Great Reasons to Build Your Writer's Platform Yourself
- September 17, 2012: Dear Otto: What are Options on Digital Portfolios
- September 15, 2012: Navy vs. Penn State--It's Been a While
- September 14, 2012: 8 Free Online Marketing Tools for Writers
- September 13, 2012: 16 Great Virtual Field Trips
- September 12, 2012: Tech Tip #104: Need a File on Your iPad? Here's an Easy Way
- September 11, 2012: Our Children Remember...
- September 10, 2012: At What Age is Typing Faster Than Handwriting?
- September 9, 2012: September To Do List for USNA Applicants
- September 8, 2012: Sad Letter From Afghanistan
- September 7, 2012: The Danger of Using Images Online
- September 6, 2012: New to technology? Follow my classes
- September 5, 2012: Half a Million Hits!
- September 4, 2012: 25 Most Common Problems Your Students Will Face
- September 3, 2012: Happy Labor Day
- September 2, 2012: 6 FREE Online Tools for Indie Writers
- August 31, 2012: Navy vs. Notre Dame--What's Not to Like?
- August 30, 2012: 7 Great Labor Day Websites
- August 29, 2012: Book Review: 98 Tech Tips
- August 27, 2012: 9 Secrets That'll Get You Into USNA
- August 25, 2012: Do Your Children Need Computers for School?
- August 24, 2012: You're a Sophomore and Interested in USNA?
- August 23, 2012: Why One Sailor Loves the Navy
- August 22, 2012: Now Available: K-8 Keyboard Curriculum
- August 21, 2012: USNA Weekly News
- August 18, 2012: Book Review: 38 Web 2.0 Articles That Will Turn Your Class Around
- August 17, 2012: Back to School--Tech Makes it Easy to Stay On Top of Everything
- August 16, 2012: New to technology? Follow my classes
- August 15, 2012: 9 Reasons Why Readers Stop Reading
- August 14, 2012: 13 Rules to Remember When Using a Gun
- August 13, 2012: Book Review: Building a Midshipman
- August 11, 2012: August To Do List for USNA Applicants
- August 10, 2012: Weekend Website #112: The Babakus
- August 9, 2012: Dear Otto: My computers are old. What do I do?
- August 8, 2012: The Problem With Voice
- August 7, 2012: Plebe Parent Weekend--August 9-12
- August 6, 2012: 21 Tips About Writing From Twitter
- August 5, 2012: Now Available: 35 Extra Lessons for the SL K-6 Technology Curriculum
- August 4, 2012: Check out my Article over at Cisco
- August 3, 2012: The 15 Biggest Writing Blunders (And How To Avoid Them)
- August 2, 2012: My Favorite Writing Software is...
- July 31, 2012: Subscribe to my Blog--Get Special Gifts Every Month
- July 30, 2012: You Want to Be a USNA Midshipman? Start Today
- July 27, 2012: When Your Muse Speaks, Do You Listen?
- July 26, 2012: 33 Rules (aka Rates) Plebes Must Follow
- July 25, 2012: July 25, 1968: Remember the Pueblo Entered National Lexicon
- July 24, 2012: Summer Like a Midshipman
- July 23, 2012: 10 Passwords Everyone Uses (And You Shouldn't)
- July 21, 2012: Leadership Traits in USNA Midshipmen
- July 20, 2012: Website Review: Chegg
- July 19, 2012: The Elephantine Impact of Technology on Education
- July 18, 2012: 19 Free Posters For Your Tech Lab
- July 17, 2012: 10 Tips Guaranteed to Rescue Your Story
- July 16, 2012: Dear Otto: What Online Images are Free?
- July 15, 2012: USNA Class of 2016: What are They Doing?
- July 14, 2012: Plebe Summer Care Packages: Here's What to Send
- July 13, 2012: 30 Essential Books for Every Writer
- July 12, 2012: Why I Don't Get Writers Block
- July 11, 2012: Is Your Dialogue More Sigh than Sizzle?
- July 10, 2012: Subscriber Special: Huge Savings on Lesson Plan Bundles
- July 9, 2012: Dear Otto: How Can I Highlight a Document
- July 8, 2012: You Know You're a Plebe Parent if...
- July 7, 2012: Dear Otto: What's a Good Comic Creator
- July 6, 2012: Five Popular Excuses for NOT Going to USNA
- July 5, 2012: Use the SL K-6 Technology Curriculum? Want More Lessons? I Can Do That
- July 4, 2012: Happy July 4th!
- July 3, 2012: ASVAB or USNA? What's Best for You
- July 2, 2012: Writer's Tip #13: Be Specific
- July 1, 2012: A Day in the Life of a new Plebe
- June 29, 2012: USNA Weekly News
- June 28, 2012: 9 Steps to Tech Savviness This Summer
- June 27, 2012: You Might Be a Writer if...
- June 26, 2012: USNA I-Day For Parents
- June 25, 2012: Dear Otto: Should Students Space Once or Twice After a Period?
- June 22, 2012: Book Review: Third Grade Technology Textbook
- June 21, 2012: What's a Tech Teacher Do With the Summer Off?
- June 20, 2012: 23 Common Sense Rules to Thrive in the Military
- June 19, 2012: Going to USNA? Ready for I-Day
- June 18, 2012: Now Available: 98 Tech Problems From the Classroom: and How Students Can Solve Them
- June 17, 2012: USNA Weekly News
- June 15, 2012: What Happens After USNA Graduation?
- June 14, 2012: How to Teach Internet Safety in K-6
- June 12, 2012: Are You a Midshipman?
- June 11, 2012: Dear Otto: How Do You Teach Adults to Keyboard?
- June 8, 2012: Why is Honesty so Difficult as a Writer?
- June 7, 2012: ASVAB or USNA? What's Best for You
- June 5, 2012: Tech Tip #19: How to Activate an MS Word Link
- June 4, 2012: I've been Nominated for the Fascination Award
- June 1, 2012: Check out my Article over at Cisco
- May 31, 2012: Dear Otto: Where Can I Find Kid-safe Images?
- May 30, 2012: The Truth About Teaching in America
- May 28, 2012: Happy Memorial Day
- May 25, 2012: Weekend Website #98: Smithsonian Wild
- May 23, 2012: Summer Keyboarding Class--Here are the Details
- May 22, 2012: USNA Commissioning Week
- May 21, 2012: Book Review: First Grade Technology Textbook
- May 12, 2012: Tech Tip #101: Doc Saved Over? No Problem
- May 11, 2012: How Many POVs is Too Many?
- May 10, 2012: How to Align Technology with Common Core State Standards
- May 9, 2012: Ask a Tech Teacher is Interviewed
- May 8, 2012: Check out my Article Over at Write Anything
- May 7, 2012: Great Apps Now Available
- May 6, 2012: May To Do List for USNA Applicants
- May 4, 2012: Half a Million Hits--Wow
- May 3, 2012: A Writers Life For Me or Do I Need a New Career?
- May 2, 2012: What About Teacher Tech Training--Part II
- May 1, 2012: Why Attend USNA?
- April 28, 2012: Weekend Website #95: AIRR Math
- April 26, 2012: How to Edit Your Novel (according to Yuvi)
- April 25, 2012: How to be Funny if You're Not--II
- April 23, 2012: Changing Education Paradigms
- April 19, 2012: Ed-Tech Readers' Choice Awards--Final Call
- April 18, 2012: How to Describe Sensory Actions
- April 17, 2012: Communicate the Web 2.0 Way
- April 16, 2012: USS San Diego Arrives Home
- April 13, 2012: What's Trending on WordDreams
- April 12, 2012: How Do I Decide What to Write About?
- April 11, 2012: 107 Favorite iPad Apps for K-8
- April 10, 2012: How to be Funny if You're Not--Part I
- April 9, 2012: April To Do List for USNA Applicants
- April 6, 2012: USNA Weekly News
- April 5, 2012: Google Summer of Code--They're Hiring
- April 4, 2012: 10 Things My Blog Taught Me
- April 3, 2012: Must Read Books Before You Go to USNA
- April 2, 2012: USS San Diego Comes Home
- April 2, 2012: Book Review: Scorpion Betrayal
- March 29, 2012: Should Tech Teachers be in the Classroom or the Lab--Follow Up
- March 26, 2012: Wikipedia vs Britannica--the Results May Surprise You
- March 22, 2012: Check out my Article Over at Write Anything
- March 20, 2012: 13 ways Twitter Improves Education
- March 16, 2012: What Happened March 13, 2011 in the US Navy?
- March 15, 2012: Should You Dump Twitter?
- March 14, 2012: What Every Parent Should Know About Computers and the Internet
- March 12, 2012: How Are Your Sales With Google Ebooks?
- March 10, 2012: March To Do List for USNA Applicants
- March 9, 2012: Do You Skype? Dilbert Does
- March 8, 2012: 21 Reasons Why You Know You're a Teacher
- March 7, 2012: 7 Great Websites for Crime Writers
- March 6, 2012: Writers Tip #99: 17 Tips From Noah Lukeman
- March 5, 2012: Dear Otto: Should Lefties Use Right Hands for Mousing Around
- March 4, 2012: USNA Weekly News
- March 3, 2012: Singularities Anyone?
- March 2, 2012: Weekend Website #88: Drive a Ship
- March 1, 2012: Faces of the Fallen
- February 29, 2012: Stupid Mistakes My Agent Found in My WIP
- February 27, 2012: Ed-Tech Readers' Choice Awards
- February 24, 2012: USNA Weekly News
- February 23, 2012: Writing is the Annoying (Adorable?) Puppy You Can't Ignore
- February 22, 2012: Check out my Article Over at Write Anything
- February 22, 2012: You Know You’re a Techy Teacher When…
- February 21, 2012: How to Integrate Web 2.0 Tools into the Classroom
- February 20, 2012: Build a USNA Midshipman--Part VI
- February 18, 2012: You Want to go Navy Air? Here's What You'll Fly
- February 17, 2012: Build a USNA Midshipman--Part V
- February 16, 2012: Should Tech Teachers be in the Classroom or the Lab
- February 15, 2012: Update on my WIP: Can a Former SEAL, a Brilliant Scientist, a Love-besotted Nerd and a Quirky AI Stop Terrorists in Twenty-four days?
- February 14, 2012: Do Teacher Ed Programs Prepare Students for Technology Needs of the Classroom?
- February 11, 2012: USNA Weekly News
- February 10, 2012: Great Websites Updated!
- February 8, 2012: 51 Great Similes to Spark Imagination
- February 7, 2012: Build a USNA Midshipman--Part IV
- February 6, 2012: Writer's Tip #96: 11 Tips from Bob Mayer
- February 5, 2012: My G+ Stream is a Trickle
- February 4, 2012: Dear Otto: What iPad Apps Do You Recommend?
- February 3, 2012: How to Do Social Media Right
- February 2, 2012: February To Do List For Military Academy Applicants
- February 1, 2012: Once a Year Blog Maintenace--Are You Up to Date?
- January 31, 2012: 62 Kindergarten Websites That Tie into Classroom Lessons
- January 30, 2012: Build a USNA Midshipman--Part III
- January 27, 2012: Weekend Website #86: Periodic Table of Videos
- January 25, 2012: Mark Twain Flays Deerslayer
- January 24, 2012: Top 13 Web 2.0 Tools for Classrooms
- January 23, 2012: Build a USNA Midshipman
- January 21, 2012: How to Crack the Google Interview
- January 21, 2012: ABNA's Back!
- January 20, 2012: Weekend Website #85: 11 Sizzling Space Sites
- January 19, 2012: Dear Otto: Should Lefties Use Right Hands for Mousing Around
- January 18, 2012: My Name is Jacqui and I am a Writer
- January 16, 2012: What Should You Expect of Younger Keyboarders?
- January 10, 2012: 10 Most Popular Tech Tips in 2011
- January 5, 2012: 2012, I Resolve...
- January 4, 2012: Write Anything--My Bi-Monthly Post
- January 2, 2012: Top 10 Hits and Misses for 2011
- December 16, 2011: What's Trending on WordDreams
- December 13, 2011: 32 Science Websites for Fifth Graders
- December 13, 2011: Tech Tip #99: Top Ten Internetting Hints
- December 12, 2011: What's Trending on USNA Or Bust
- December 8, 2011: Prologue or Chapter One? What Have You Heard
- December 7, 2011: Is Man Inherently Violent?
- December 6, 2011: 6th Grade Tech Textbook Almost Ready
- December 5, 2011: Writers Tip 86: 11 Tips from Blockbuster Plots
- December 3, 2011: Nominate WordDreams For The 6th Annual Top Ten Blogs for Writers Contest
- December 2, 2011: An Open Letter to Agents--Open Your Minds or I'm Leaving
- December 1, 2011: Read My Latest 'Innovate My School' Article
- November 30, 2011: An Open Letter to Agents--Open Your Minds or I'm Leaving
- November 29, 2011: Product Review: Luna Projection Camera
- November 28, 2011: Monday Freebies #20: Make a Holiday Card
- November 27, 2011: November To Do List for USNA Applicants
- November 24, 2011: Happy Thanksgiving!
- November 21, 2011: Writers Tip #85: A Writer's 10 Commandments
- November 18, 2011: Organize Your Teaching With Wikis
- November 17, 2011: Nominations For Edublog Awards Now Open!
- November 16, 2011: Book Review: Coup D'etat
- November 14, 2011: Monday Freebies
- November 11, 2011: How Do They Do a 'Fly Over'? I'll Tell You
- November 10, 2011: Book Review: We Are Not Alone
- November 9, 2011: What Every Parent Should Know About Computers and the Internet
- November 7, 2011: 11 Paths to Becoming an Officer--Which Works For You
- November 4, 2011: How Your Characters Might Recognize an Emotion Part II
- November 4, 2011: Weekend Website #80: Sponges for Classroom--by topic
- November 2, 2011: How to Find Reliable Internet Sources
- October 31, 2011: Buy 3, Get 16 Holiday Projects Free
- October 26, 2011: Help Students Stay Organized with Wikis
- October 26, 2011: 5 Great Science Blogs You Won't Want to Miss
- October 24, 2011: Monday Freebies #21: Another Holiday Card
- October 21, 2011: 23 Websites to Support Math Automaticity in K-5
- October 21, 2011: How to Prepare for the Congressional Interview--Part I
- October 19, 2011: 7 More Great Mouse Skills Programs
- October 19, 2011: Organize Your Teaching With Wikis
- October 18, 2011: What's a Candidate Weekend Visit?
- October 17, 2011: October To Do List for USNA Applicants
- October 17, 2011: Monday Freebies #20: Make a Holiday Card
- October 17, 2011: Writers Tips #81: 11 Tips on Writing Thrillers
- October 14, 2011: Can You Read as Fast as a Cat?
- October 14, 2011: What's a Versatile Blogger Award
- October 12, 2011: Does Group Marketing Work? Here's my story
- October 11, 2011: Tech Tip for Writers #22: Quick Exit from 97% of Programs
- October 10, 2011: American Hero: Dakota Meyer
- October 10, 2011: Writers Tips #80: Strunk and White's Reminders
- October 10, 2011: Monday Freebies #3: How to Make Wallpaper
- October 9, 2011: How to Hook Agents--SCWC Shares Idea--II
- October 5, 2011: Easi-Speak Digital Microphone is Simple
- October 3, 2011: Scared of homeschooling? Know its scope and future
- September 23, 2011: Are You As Smart as a Fifth Grader (and more)
- September 17, 2011: Book Review: Runaway Brain
- September 11, 2011: We Remember...
- September 10, 2011: Headed for USNA? Prepare Yourself Part I
- September 7, 2011: Back to School--Tech Makes it Easy to Stay On Top of Everything
- September 2, 2011: Asking for the Sale Without P****** People Off
- August 31, 2011: School's Back--Do Your Children Need Computers?
- August 30, 2011: Book Review: Lucy
- August 26, 2011: Some Scientist Stole My Storyline
- August 24, 2011: Free Writing Books on Kindle
- August 23, 2011: Tech Tip #18: Ten Best MS Word Tips–How Did You Survive Without Them
- August 22, 2011: A 'Typical' Tech Lesson Plan
- August 19, 2011: Weekend Website #64: Khan Academy
- August 16, 2011: Book Review: In the Shadow of Man
- August 16, 2011: What to do Once You're Accepted into USNA
- August 12, 2011: You've Graduated from USNA. Now What?
- August 10, 2011: Why is Google Plus So Successful?
- August 5, 2011: Military Book Reviews--Help!
- August 4, 2011: 19 Free Posters For Your Tech Lab
- August 2, 2011: 47 Must Read Books That Explain Human Evolution
- August 1, 2011: #112: 10 Ways Twitter Makes You a Better Writer
- August 1, 2011: Writers Tip #70: Dump Your Spouse if They Complain About Your Writing
- July 26, 2011: USMC: The Summer Reading List
- July 26, 2011: Tech Tip #82: My Picture's a TIFF and the Program Needs a JPG
- July 25, 2011: Are you as Tech-Smart as a Fifth Grader?
- July 22, 2011: Weekend Website #53: EasyBib
- July 20, 2011: I Got An Invite to Google+
- July 19, 2011: Dear America: I'm a Soldier in Afghanistan
- July 18, 2011: Writers Tip #68: Three Tips From David Shenk
- July 18, 2011: Discount on Technology Curriculum
- July 13, 2011: USNA-Bound? Take Inventory of Your Skills
- July 11, 2011: A Note to Readers From My Publisher
- July 7, 2011: ISTE Debrief: Don't Hide the Internet from Kids
- July 6, 2011: July To Do List for USNA Applicants
- July 4, 2011: Happy July Fourth. Pass Me the Scissors
- June 28, 2011: IPad Has 97% and Above of Tablet Market Worldwide
- June 27, 2011: Writers Tip #65: Thing? Really?
- June 23, 2011: Click the Square; Create Music
- June 22, 2011: Book Review: Fourth Grade Technology--32 Lessons
- June 22, 2011: Why We Write
- June 22, 2011: Does a Dog Have a Soul?
- June 15, 2011: Book Review: Second Grade Technology--32 Lessons
- June 14, 2011: What is an American (in Case You Need to Find One)?
- June 10, 2011: Weekend Websites #78: 46 Online Math Sites for 4th/5th Grade
- June 7, 2011: June To Do List for USNA Applicants
- June 6, 2011: Writers Tip #62: It's Not What Happens. It's Your Character's Reaction That Matters
- June 3, 2011: How Would You Describe a Post-it Note?
- June 1, 2011: Book Review: The Path
- May 30, 2011: Technorati
- May 30, 2011: You Are Remembered
- May 25, 2011: Wednesday Hero: Ssgt. James Spurrier
- May 23, 2011: Writers Tip #60: It's Fiction. Make Stuff Up.
- May 22, 2011: How to Add Time to Your Day
- May 16, 2011: How Did Homo erectus Differ as a Species 800,000 ya?
- May 13, 2011: Eleven Top Naval Battles
- May 12, 2011: How Fast Should Kids Type
- May 9, 2011: 10 Uses for Metamaterials. Beyond Star Trek. Way Beyond Harry Potter.
- May 6, 2011: A Marine's Letter to His Dad
- May 4, 2011: Ten Favorite Geek Words--Part I
- May 3, 2011: My Character is Sick--How to Show (Not Tell) Some Illnesses
- May 2, 2011: Thank You SEAL Team 6
- April 29, 2011: Weekend Website #54: 20 Great Research Websites for Kids
- April 28, 2011: If Ford created the computer instead of Microsoft (or Apple)
- April 27, 2011: How I Doubled My Business (Again) In a Year
- April 26, 2011: What Happened April 25, 2011 in the US Navy?
- April 25, 2011: What to do Once You're Accepted into USNA
- April 23, 2011: Metamaterials and an invisibility cloak
- April 21, 2011: You Want to Be a USNA Midshipman? Start Today
- April 20, 2011: Great Quotes About the Evolution of Man
- April 20, 2011: The Questionable Future of Agents and Publishers
- April 19, 2011: Tech Tip for Writers #2: Social Media–What the Heck is it?
- April 14, 2011: Who Are Bloggers?
- April 13, 2011: Book Review: Boy in the Moon
- April 12, 2011: Tech Tips for Writers #1: Create a Blog
- April 10, 2011: Weekend Website #42: Yuckiest Site on the Internet
- April 8, 2011: Weekend Websites #39: Big Huge Labs
- March 30, 2011: Jacqui Murray