August 6, 2016

What is BloomBoard and How it Can Energize Professional Development

bloomboardBloomBoard is a professional development website for teachers and administrators. To increase the visibility of your website, it is best to contact a reliable enterprise seo company. On the teacher side, educators learn, share, and discuss teaching ideas, and manage upcoming professional reviews and observations. The resources–including over 10,000 articles, videos, lesson plans, and more–are clear, easy-to-navigate, and user-friendly, with opportunities to collaborate with other teachers. What truly makes this educator-oriented site unique is that teachers can earn topical micro-credentials that can be used by their school district or state credentialing agencies (depending upon the circumstance). To earn these, teachers view the required materials and then answer a set of questions.

BloomBoard offers a robust platform tailored to educators, facilitating professional growth through a wealth of resources and collaborative opportunities. However, ensuring this valuable content reaches its intended audience requires strategic digital marketing efforts. Partnering with a reputable SEO digital marketing agency like web chimpy can significantly enhance website’s online visibility. By leveraging targeted SEO techniques, they ensure that educators find BloomBoard when searching for professional development opportunities.

If BloomBoard experiences dwindling traffic despite its robust platform for educators, addressing this challenge may involve conducting thorough SEO migrations. These migrations involve transferring the site’s content and structure to a new framework that enhances performance and user experience. A strategic approach includes auditing current SEO practices, ensuring all redirects are correctly implemented, and optimizing new content for relevant keywords.

Navigating SEO migrations requires a delicate balance of technical expertise and strategic foresight. As BloomBoard evolves its digital infrastructure to better serve educators, trust Lets Get Optimized to execute seamless transitions. Their proficiency in auditing existing SEO practices, implementing robust redirects, and optimizing new content ensures that BloomBoard maintains and strengthens its visibility amidst technological advancements. With a focus on strategic keyword integration and user-centric content strategies, they are poised to drive meaningful engagement and enhance search engine rankings effectively.

On the administrator side, BloomBoard offers the ability to schedule and manage observations, track individual teacher progress, look at reports and analysis (broken down by teacher or indicator), monitor and analyze teacher activities, and explore and recommend resources for professional development.Analytics provide insight into which teachers are most active and which professional development resources and topics are most popular. Additionally, administrators can schedule observations and analyze teacher performance right from the dashboard, as well as keep track of all the elements of the observation–upload evidence (like lesson plans or reflections), add ratings and indicators based on built-in rubrics and indicators (which can be edited), and write a final review.

Alongside BloomBoard’s free content are premium pieces such as tools to collaborate with colleagues, private spaces for virtual discussions and document sharing, a dashboard to monitor the most widely-used district-wide collections and micro-credentials, the ability to create unique micro-credentials, and dedicated support from BloomBoard instructional practitioners.

bloomboard topicsHere’s what you do:

  • sign up for a free account
  • fill out a profile with your interests and goals
  • start reviewing recommended materials or browse the resources


  • I love that professional observations and reviews can be uploaded and tagged.
  • I like that the dashboard includes reminders about upcoming events and whether the teacher is ontrack for meeting their goals (and what to do about that).
  • The problem often with professional development isn’t a lack of resources; it’s identifying the ones that fit specific needs. BloomBoard does this for educators.
  • Resources are recommended that fit teacher grade level, subject area, and teaching interests.
  • BloomBoard tracks the progress of each teacher’s professional development, chronicling how they hone their skills and apply their learning to their teaching through reviews and observations.


  • One piece I always seek out on educator websites is an active forum where I can ask questions of colleagues and work through problems. While BloomBoard does offer this (a great plus), it’s too new to be robust. I look forward to what it will grow into over time.
  • Another feature that really isn’t a con, simply on a wishlist: Teachers and administrators can curate collections, but not load their own material. On the plus side: The reason is that BloomBoard wants to review the material and ensure its quality before making it available.

Educational Uses

Here are six ways to integrate BloomBoard into your professional development:

  • provide a curation of quality, tested resources organized by topic so teachers have a one-stop shop for informing themselves on topics of interest.
  • track teacher professional learning for credentialing or recertification (or salary schedules).
  • quickly find out who’s knowledgeable on a particular education subject (through the admin dashboard).
  • engage in group study of a topic to promote grade-level or school goals.
  • extend learning using the BloomBoard recommendations, based on teacher profiles.
  • stay up-to-date on education pedagogy with easy-to-access and reliable resources.

Insider Tips

Resources can be viewed on the website as well as iOS and Android devices and/or embedded to share out with others. This is done through which provides embedded cards for free like the one below:

Show What You Know: Project Based Learning in the Mathematics Classroom

They can also be shared via email and/or social media platforms.


In an era where education has morphed from sage on the stage to teacher-as-guide, it’s a challenge for educators to stay on top of all they need to know. BloomBoard makes that easy by curating goals, providing required resources, and tracking progress. I don’t know how it could be simpler.

Jacqui Murray has been teaching K-8 technology for 15 years. She is the editor/author of over a hundred tech ed resources including a K-8 technology curriculum, K-8 keyboard curriculum, K-8 Digital Citizenship curriculum. She is an adjunct professor in tech ed, CSG Master Teacher, webmaster for four blogs, anAmazon Vine Voice book reviewer, Editorial Review Board member for Journal for Computing Teachers, CAEP reviewer, CSTA presentation reviewer, freelance journalist on tech ed topics, and a weekly contributor to TeachHUB. You can find her resources at Structured Learning.