September 11, 2015
9/11… We Remember
If you have an American character and the time frame is early September, you must make note of this iconic day.It can be as simple as that your character:
- lost someone on that day
- remembers what they were doing that day
- was inspired to [join the military] because of that day
- avoids NY Ground Zero
- knows someone who will be out of touch, remembering those s/he lost that day
America, we love you.
Jacqui Murray is the author of the popular Building a Midshipman, the story of her daughter’s journey from high school to United States Naval Academy. She is the author/editor of over a hundred books on integrating tech into education, adjunct professor of technology in education, webmaster for four blogs, an Amazon Vine Voice book reviewer, a columnist for TeachHUB, Editorial Review Board member for Journal for Computing Teachers, monthly contributor to Today’s Author and a freelance journalist on tech ed topics. You can find her book at her publisher’s website, Structured Learning.