July 8, 2016
Last chance–class starts Monday, July 11th!
The 21st Century classroom blends technology with traditional teaching to build a collaborative, differentiated, and shared learning environment. This three-week course (July 11-July 31) is a follow-on to the introductory class, Tech-infused Teacher, digging into the digital ideas and tools used by innovative teachers to extend and enrich student learning. This includes topics like how to build your tech-infused classroom, using tech to differentiate for student needs, teaching reading and writing with tech (you can learn more about that in the class,Teaching Writing with Tech), and favorite digital tools. You will actively collaborate, share knowledge, provide constructive feedback to classmates, publish digitally, and differentiate for needs. Classmates will become the core of your ongoing Professional Learning Network.
Pre-requisite: the 21st Century Tech-infused Teacher or permission of the instructor.
Assessment is project-based so be prepared to be a fully-involved and eager risk-taker.
Course Objectives
At the completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Painlessly add flexible, authentic, and transformative technology to your classroom.
- Recognize the most popular webtools and ideas used by colleagues and understand their importance in the classroom
- Use technology to re-ignite enthusiasm for reading and writing (this is an overview—more detail in Teach Writing With Tech).
- Use blogs, wikis, discussion forums, Google Spreadsheets, and Google Hangouts to collaborate and share.
- Use technology to differentiate for varied student learning styles (this is an overview—more detail in The Differentiated Classroom).
- Blend technology smoothly into your curriculum making it a tool, not a distraction.
- Create digital portfolios that store, share, and curate work.
- Start the year-long process of creating a collaborative class curriculum map.
- Develop the solid core of a Professional Learning Network. Draw on classmates’ experiences, ask questions, and discuss tech ed topics.
What You Get With Enrollment
- 8 Activities (topics)
- 28+ tech ed videos
- 12 tech ed Lesson plans
- 2 tech ed eBooks
- 40+ Hall of Fame tech ed articles
- 2 posters
- unlimited coaching during pre-arranged times–we stay until everyone leaves. If you need extra help, we’ll arrange that also.
- membership in class wiki—you’ll get an invitation
- Certificate of Completion
- free resources on tech ed topics
In fact, price includes all necessary materials.
Course Highlights
Class starts July 11, 2016 and ends July 31, 2016. That’s three weeks, five hours a week, plus a one-hour weekend virtual meeting each week.
During the week, review lesson plans, ebooks, articles, and videos that address the weekly topics. Complete activities (blog posts, comments, and a weekly project). Discuss topics with fellow students via a class Discussion Board. Benefit from their expertise, experiences, and ideas.
Weekends, discuss issues, concerns, and projects in a virtual group via Google Hangouts or Twitter Chats. Questions you’ll discuss include “What is your favorite digital tool” and “How does technology achieve writing standards without the tears”.
Need help on a topic not addressed? Arrange 1:1 time with instructors.
At the course end, receive a Certificate of Achievement listing all topics completed.
How Class Works
Each week, review materials on themed activities including webinars, short articles, sample lessons plans, and ebooks. Complete one weekly project using what you learned and add it to your digital portfolio. Reflect on the week’s activities via a blog post; comment on the posts of your classmates. Track your progress via a Google Spreadsheet (link provided).
Weekends, virtually meet with classmates and the teacher on Google Hangouts (GHO) or a Twitter Chat to discuss activities, answer questions, and review overarching topics like “How do you teach so that students hear you”.
Who Needs This
This course is designed for educators who:
- Are serious about integrating tech into their class
- Worry about integrating tech into their class
- Want creative approaches to using tech
- Want to go to the next step of tech-infusing their classroom and/or school
What Do You Need to Participate
- Internet connection
- Accounts for blog, Google, Twitter, various web-based tools, class wiki
- Commitment of 5-10 hours per week for 3 weeks to learn tech
- Risk-takers attitude, inquiry-driven mentality, passion to optimize learning
NOT Included:
- Software and webtool membership (if there are any)
- Assistance setting up hardware, network, infrastructure, servers, internet, headphones, microphones, phone connections, software.
Activities include:
- Introduction
- Build your tech-infused classroom
- Curriculum Maps
- Differentiation
- Reading and Tech
- Webtools–teacher favorites
- Writing and Tech
- Your Personal Learning Network
More on Summer PD:
Top Ten Reasons to sign up for Summer PD
Summer PD–Questions We’ve Gotten
Summer Tech Camp–Everything You Need
Jacqui Murray has been teaching K-8 technology for 15 years. She is the editor/author of over a hundred tech ed resources including a K-8 technology curriculum, K-8 keyboard curriculum, K-8 Digital Citizenship curriculum. She is an adjunct professor in tech ed, CSG Master Teacher, webmaster for four blogs, an Amazon Vine Voice book reviewer, Editorial Review Board member for Journal for Computing Teachers, CAEP reviewer, CSTA presentation reviewer, freelance journalist on tech ed topics, and a weekly contributor to TeachHUB. You can find her resources at Structured Learning.